I’m in Panama for the next 7 days and on a smaller island called Bastimentos for the next 4 days, before going to Panama City.
The place we are staying at here offered us a great deal in exchange for a blog post and podcast episode so even though it normally would have been out of our budget and not the type of thing we normally do (no wifi, bungalow on a beach), we took them up on it.
When we were planning the trip, we learned that one cell carrier gets reception in this area, which I figured I could use data to write and upload blog posts, so when we landed for our connection in Panama City we hunted down Digicel SIM cards.
After our second flight and a 30-minute boat ride, we arrived at the place we are staying and found out that the cell carrier we thought worked there, doesn’t anymore.
My blogging steak in jeopardy, we asked around and found out that there is a place to get WiFi about 10 minutes away. We walked down along the beach, and found the spot, a picnic table by a house where I’m sitting right now, writing this post.
It is a bit more work to get connected here–and it is only 2mbps—but it is another example of how awesome it is to be alive in 2018 when you can travel to very remote spots and still get good enough to continue with a daily blog.
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