When you feel frustrated about something, most of the time it is a signal that you know a way something could be done better.
There are some frustrating things that you can’t change, like wasting time to deal with security theatre at the airport. Dealing with the TSA is frustrating because you know how ineffective it is and how easy it would be to do it better. Unfortunately, it is likely outside of your power to change.
But there are many areas of your life where you do have the power to impact your frustrations, or at least train yourself to see opportunities instead of frustrating situations.
Amanda and I were talking over dinner about how anti-capitalistic many yoga teachers and yoga studio owners are. This is something that is frustrating if you are a yoga teacher trying to make more money, but if you think a level deeper you can see the opportunities that exist because of this bias.
Most yoga business owners prioritize egalitarian pay schemes. So new teachers and old teachers at the same studio are likely paid the same or very similar flat rates. This means that there are many overpaid yoga teachers and many underpaid yoga teachers. Which are which may not be obvious at first to students, but if you are an enterprising yoga studio owner, an opportunity exists for you to recruit the best yoga teachers to your studio by providing better pay to better teachers. The frustrating bias that exists in the community actually makes it easier to compete for the best talent.
This is true of many things in life. The frustrations that we feel are actually pointing at great opportunities if we pause and think through how to solve them.
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