One of the most amazing things about the world we live in is the access we have to great thinkers and experts in almost any domain.
Through podcasts, YouTube, online courses, and cheaper and more plentiful books you can get a free education today that the richest people in the world couldn’t come close to even 35 years ago.
Yet there is massive discontent and complaining about the injustices of the price of college. There are loud movements demanding free college tuition while ignoring the fact that an education better than any college is already free and available from the comfort of your home.
It’s easy to overlook the effects this small change is having on the world. Now anyone, anywhere, can study great thinkers. We can listen in on there conversations through podcasts and read daily thoughts on Twitter.
From my own personal experience I know that those mediums have the power to radically change your worldview and make you a deeper thinker and generally better person.
But despite the massive improvement in information, most people think that other people are getting stupid. This is mostly because we know get bombarded with everyone’s ideas on social media. But, if we were transported back to the 80s, a time before open information, I think we would all be shocked and appalled by the bs and rediculpus beliefs that were impossible to check.
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