Canadians have been getting fucked over by a dairy cartel for years, forced to buy expensive Canadian dairy and poultry products because of the insane duties on imports.
“Canada levies a tariff of 270 per cent on milk, 245 per cent on cheese and 298 per cent on butter in an effort to keep imports out and tightly control supply.”
298%!!!!! Which makes imported grass-fed butter $14 for 1/2 pound (since Canadian dairy farmers cannot produce because of the cold winters).
These tariffs mean that American dairy and poultry producers can’t compete with Canadian producers.
This tariff program which is part of Supply Management is one of the major issues in the trade negotiations between the governments of Canada and the U.S. Trump is demanding it is removed as part of a new trade agreement.
So Trump imposes tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum products, hurting some Canadians that work in steel, but mostly American consumers and businesses who will bear the costs, in order to help a small group of American steel producers, but the group that stands to benefit the most would be Canadian consumers.
It is a strange a bizarre world where Trump is hurting Americans, to the potential long-term benefit of Canadians, so that a small group of US diary formers can make money from selling to Canadians.
Trudeau, in response is “standing up for Canada” by hurting Canadian consumers with import tariffs on American products and forcing us to spend more on inferior Canadian products.
Canadian news has praised Trudeau and villainized Trump since the new steel and aluminum tariffs were announced, but the reality is exactly the opposite of the narrative. If you look at the positions they are taking Trudeau is looking to harm Canadians for the benefit of a few select and privileged groups, while Trump is actually pushing for changes that would help Canadian consumers (but he is fighting by harming American consumers).
We live in a strange world.
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