Our lives are defined by choice. Every day we face endless possibilities and only through near-constant choice do we end up where we are.
We choose where we want to work, if we want to go to work each day, what time we want to get up at, what we want to eat, where we want to live, who we want to associate with, and on and on.
We have an astounding amount of choice and a near complete power to shape our realities, but most people choose to hide from that power. They let the choices of others from the past decide their possibilities.
They live where their parents live, they start a career in a field that others have decided is respectable, they send their kids to school. They experience life as a series of responsibilities and “have to dos” instead of the reality that life is an endless realm of possibilities and the only things we ever do are “want to dos”.
Even when we coast on the decisions of others and hide behind the veil of responsibility, we cannot ever escape the reality that with every action we have a choice and every choice we make is because we, on some level, want the result.
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