We live in a sea of mediocrity. With low expectations of ourselves and even lower expectations of others.
We fail to live up to commitments, miss deadlines, and act against our values every day.
We waste the precious hours of our lives on trivialities.
We let other people fail to meet their basic commitments to us. We say “good job” when we know they are capable of more.
We place social ease above truth and integrity.
We throw away our vision and swallow our judgment at the first signs of discomfort.
We slip further and further away from the best version of ourselves, wondering why we feel an unnamable dis-ease.
But just as we slip into the sea of mediocrity, we can begin to climb out of it.
We can begin to expect more of ourselves. We can begin to demand more from others. We can decide to not settle for what is easy, and instead to live for what is true.
We can start today.
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