One of the greatest gifts I received from my parents was seeing them work on their own business as I grew up.
Their sense of proprietorship over their work became my normal. I never heard my father complain about having to go to work. I never heard him talk negatively about his boss. I never saw him wake up in the morning and wrestle between what he wanted to do and what he had to do.
The majority of our waking hours in life are spent on work, yet for some people work is divorced from life. It is something they try not to think about, try not to talk about, and mostly try to pass the time through.
Many people believe that work should be approached cynically. That to care about the purpose of your work, to see the greater impact your job has on the world is naive and lame.
Our work is an expression of our lives. It is a way that we can impact our communities and the world. It can and should challenge us to rise above obstacles, and push us to give more of ourselves to make the world a better place.
If you dislike your job or if you don’t think your work is creating value, you should quit. Find something close to you that you can clearly see the impact of.
We live in an imperfect world. There is all sorts of work to be done. Some of it won’t make you rich, but some of the things right under your nose might make you wealthy.
There is almost nothing more important than finding purpose in your work. It is the majority of your waking hours. So don’t be cynical about your work. See the bigger picture. Connect with the purpose of your work. Give your best. Not to get a promotion, but to show yourself that you will not waste your life away.
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