The problems you face create your potential for growth. We all have a desire to avoid problems, but a tranquil and easy life only makes us weaker. When we head off problems directly, we develop the …
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Summer Recap Podcast
This week on The World Wanderers we are looking back at our summer in Canada and looking ahead at our plans for the fall. Check the full episode …
The Sanctity of Citizenship
Over the next fifty years one there will be a massive change in the way we view our relationship to our government. Today, citizenship is a defining point of most people’s identity. It is something …
No One But You is Responsible For Creating Your Opportunities
It is no one's responsibility but yours to create opportunities in your career. Most people understand this when it comes to their personal life, but when it comes to their jobs, they throw away their …
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People People People
On my flight today I started reading Red Notice by Bill Browder. I found out about Browder from his interview on Hidden Forces and was fascinated by the story, so I decided to dive deeper and read his …
You’ll Never Escape Your Problems
Success in life is about your ability to engage with problems. No matter where you are, who you are, or what you do, you will always have problems. From an objective perspective, some of these …