The internet has created opportunities to leverage software to create wealth, but it has also created opportunities for everyday people to leverage labor to create wealth. The internet allows us to …
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Aiming Long-Term
Most people orient their lives towards the short-term future. They think about things that will make them happy next weekend, next month, or next year. Operating in this close time range makes …
Children of The Internet
The commonly used generations since the baby boomers are: Gen X (Born mid-60s to early 80s) Millennials (Born early-80s to mid-90s) Gen Z (Born mid-90s to mid-00s) There is a lot of talk …
Adding Structure to a Flexible Workday
I've been experimenting over the past two weeks with adding more structure to my workday. The key areas of focus for me have been the start and end of the day. Starting Strong At the start of the …
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Three Questions to Close Your Day
I've found an end of the workday journalling practice to be one of the most beneficial activities in my life. As I wrap up my tasks for the day I write answers to the following questions: What …
Learnable Not Teachable
There are some skills that you can't be taught, but can be learned. Since it is hard to define and talk about this set of skills, most people attribute them to talent. They don't even think of them …