"I discovered that the world should be divided not into good and bad people but into cowards and non-cowards. Ninety-five percent of cowards are capable of the vilest things, lethal things, at the …
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Immigration and Property Rights
Open immigration is not a matter of charity or altruism, it is about property rights. If a landlord wants to rent an apartment, and an employer wants to hire an employee, and a business wants to …
Peter Keating or Howard Roark
Howard Roark and Peter Keating are two of the key characters in Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead. They are a great contrast in approaches to the world. Roark a creator and first principles thinker, he …
Book Directory Side-Business Idea
Starting a book directory is a cool way to learn about a topic and make a bit of extra money. Pick a topic that you are interested in, like Libertarianism for example, start a basic website and …
When Appeals to Authority Matter | Bitcoin vs Bitcoin Cash
Appeals to authority are tools used in arguments to get away from facts and force a conclusion. "Every programmer I know thinks…" "Sam Harris says…" "97% of scientists agree…" a.k.a. "Shut …
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Doing What You Want
I've been re-listening to the audiobook version of The Fountainhead this past week. If you've only read it, or never have, I highly recommend the audiobook. The Fountainhead does a great job of …