I grew up in a small town without subdivisions. In high school I started going to a high-school in a small city nearby. Only 30,000 people lived there and although there were a few subdivisions, but …
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Moving as a Revolutionary Act
The desire to live in one place and not move is the force that governments use to entrench their power. By fixing yourself to one city, state, or country, you leave yourself with only the political …
Forgetting That You Forgot
One of the interesting, but challenging parts of being human is the capacity you have to normalize things. We are adaptability machines--we can take any situation and get used to it. This impacts …
All My Posts About Cryptocurrency
https://ryanaferguson.com/2018/06/asics-cost-51-attacks/ People fear ASICs for centralizing mining and making a cryptocurrency more valuable attack. These concerns ignore the economic incentives to …
Writing Out Ideas
One of the most challenging parts of blogging every day is deciding on what to write about. Especially when it is late at night, after a long day of work, it is hard to think up an idea and decide to …
People are Preoccupied
Most people dramatically overestimate the amount of concern and attention that others have for them. Since we have a front row seat to our own lives, and we are fundamentally self-centered in our …