Immigration is like gold washing up on the shores of a country. But the people coming in as immigrants are massively more valuable than gold. Humans are the most valuable resource on the planent. …
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ASICs and The Cost of 51% Attacks
In the cryptocurrency world, lot's of people are against the development of ASIC miners because of the fear that they centralize mining and put cryptocurrencies at a greater risk of a 51% or other …
Freedom of Movement and Good Government
Restrictive immigration rules subsidize bad government. Many people in government that push for restrictive immigration policies argue that instead of focusing on taking in immigrants, the …
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The Shifting Foundations of Citizenship
Nation states have less of a hold on citizens than ever before (since the birth of the nation-state). The switching costs have dropped dramatically and are continuing to drop, meaning it is easier …
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Hard Forks and the Turkey Problem
One of the arguments that I've seen recently against Bitcoin Cash is that accepting hard forks (like increasing the block size) trivializes hard forks and major changes to the code which makes it more …
Wasting Time in School
I graduated college in June 2011. In the seven years since I travel, worked, learned, and made massive forward progress as a person. I have had multiple big life changes and made significant progress …