People create extremely complicated attempts at solving their problems. They devise elaborate routines, burdensome personal rules, and spend massive amounts of time on introspection to find the roots …
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Expectations and Motivation
To do good work you need to have confidence. To have confidence, you need to believe in your ability to do good work and you need to be confident in the work you have done. There is a large …
Prices Can Add Value
When purchasing products or services, we typically imagine the value detached from the price, but in some cases, the value is actually increased by the price. Take tourist attractions for example. …
Socialized Healthcare Sucks
One interesting thing about traveling as a Canadian is the question you get from American tourists about Canada. Over the past few years, one of the most common ones is about how the healthcare system …
Imagine living with a giant, man-sized parasite attached to your body that destroys half of everything you ever create and suck away your life force. It is the stuff of nightmares, but …
I read a news story today about Amazon now employing more than 500,000 people. More than 500,000 people are employees of Amazon. When you count all the people that make their livings through stores …