The benifit of making a correct public prediction vastly outweighs the consequences of making an incorrect prediction. In normal day to day life, if you make predictions to your friends and they …
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Non-Verbal Communication
It is certainly possible to communicate without words. Body language, eye contact, or even tone of voice all communicate a lot more than the things that are being said. Learning how to pick up on …
Tinder For Restaurants
Amanda and I have a couple friends visiting us in Mexico City this weekend. One of them is single and was user Tinder and it made me think of how Tinder is a very elegant (and human-focused) solution …
Three Lessons From Working in a Vineyard
Over the last 15 years, I've worked at a winery, a construction company, a cafe, restaurants, a non-profit, for myself, and now at a start-up in a whole boatload of roles. This is the start of a …
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Creating Better Experiences
No matter what you do for work, delivering a high quality experience to your customer is part of your job. This isn’t a new idea, it has been talked about a lot by a lot of people, but it is easy …
Ideas Come When You Need Them
Sitting around waiting for good ideas almost never leads to good ideas. If you only write when you have a novel idea that you are inspired to write about, you will end up not blogging very often at …