I worked in the restaurant industry for two years in my early twenties. During this time I learned a lot about how food regulations hurt entrepreneurs. I don't know if this is the same in every …
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Why I Love Starbucks
Lots of people hate on Starbucks. Whether it is the McCafé, "Starbucks customers are wasting their money" crowd, or the sipping hipster latte "Starbucks is evil" crowd, there is not much public love …
How to Make Tedious Tasks Enjoyable
One of the household chores my parents assigned to me growing up was cleaning dinner dishes. It felt compulsory and as a result I would avoid it. As I got older and did the dishes more often, I …
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One Task at a Time
When you start your day and know that you have to finish tasks a, b, c, d, and e your mind will naturally be bouncing back and forth thinking about your various priorities. Especially if all the tasks …
School Work Is Not Work
Work is valuable. School “work” is valueless drudgery. Work is using your skills and energy to create value for someone else in exchange for money. School “work” is investing your skills and …
Work Like You’re Playing a Game
If you have a lot on your plate, it is natural to sometimes wake up frustrated that you didn’t get more done the day before. Or to to feel afriad of all the stuff you need to do during the day in …