Taxes suck. Having your wealth extorted from you is not enjoyable, but what makes losing your money worse is how much work you have to do to facilitate the extortion. A thief who comes to your …
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Celebrate vs. Escape
Days off are not to escape, they are to celebrate the hard work that you’ve done. You aren’t entitled to enjoy them, you earn the ability to enjoy them with your hard work. By showing up, working …
One Day at a Time
New Years is a time when people are thinking about making big changes. Most people fixate on long-term results and the outcomes they want in the distant future. A distant goal can be a good motivator, …
All My Blog Posts From 2017
I wrote 67 blog posts in 2017. They cover lot's of different topics, but the two main areas of focus are work and cryptocurrency. Here they all sorted by topic. Books, Movies, Podcasts 1) Men …
Making Ideas vs. Making Ideas Good
A lot people approach blogging as an all at once process--like they have to think up the idea, write it out, edit it, and publish it in one sitting--but I have found that there are two distinct …
The Nights Watch | Trusting a Network with Fewer Nodes
In most debates about BCH vs. BTC, the concern expressed about BCH and increased block sizes is that it will make running a node very expensive. Critics point to the number of transactions that …
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